Unable to take Flash for long adventures, sometimes we sneak out of the studio for short walks and tennis ball fun on a nearby trail - just the two of us.
Flash is with me nearly 24/7. She's been a constant fixture at the studio for the past 11.5 years (ever since she was a 12-week old puppy.)
Each morning and each evening, she hears my words "You are the most beautiful girl in the world."
Each evening, she visits my feet while I'm sitting at the sofa. Flash begins nibbling at the tip of my socks - careful not to catch any toes - until she has a firm hold on the sock. Then she proceeds to wrestle the socks off of both feet. It's a ritual we both look forward to (even if she catches a toe every once and a while.)
Shown here, Flash and I at Ruth Arcand Park this afternoon during one of our short escapes from the office.