Polar Pug Rescue and Friends.

One of our top five rescue and adoption organizations in Anchorage is Polar Pug Rescue and Friends.  Their work includes much more than pugs.  They help find forever homes for many different small breeds.    Much of that work includes assisting with rehabilitation costs - including medical bills.

They've received an onslaught of rescue dogs the past few weeks.  It seems to come in waves.  along with that influx were significant expenses.

A local club in town -- Mad Myrnas - learned about this and decided to step in with a fundraising event.  Polar Pug asked if I would donate some photography services and I said "absolutely!"

Shown here is one of the group photos.  This pose and several others will be on display at Mad Myrna's during their gala evening for the dogs:   Saturday, March 21, 2015.

Click HERE for more information about Polar Pug Rescue and Friends.